JBA is a Jedi in Business Administration

Jedi’s do things that seem impossible or just extremely lucky and coincidental. Well, I’m here to speak from behind the Jedi curtain. I’m here to reveal the secrets of the Jedi Order.

R2D2 was a great Jedi. C3PO not so much.

Two minutes into the conference at the Death Star, R2D2 was crashing, he was hacking in to the Death Star mainframe. He made friends with that super computer and charmed it to shut down the trash compactor. C3PO had his droid phone on SILENT. He saved 5 Jedi’s from the trash compactor’s snake monster. I’d tell you to be like R2D2 and learn to code, but at least learn to google 12-15 word phrases like a CS major.

What I mean is that a big part of learning to code is learning to copy-paste passages of code. Your general population, non-Jedi punches in two words into the Google. JBA’s iteratively add words to eventually Google 15 word phrases.

This leads to my next point…

JBA’s regurgitate

Young Obi Wan Kenobi can quote his mentor Kwai Gon Gin super well. Luke Skywalker can regurgitate so well that Alec Guinness  actually got, and will get, a movie credit on IMDB after he is dead (both on screen and off).

If R2D2 does not regurgitate Jedi princess Leia to Obi Wan Kenobi… George Lucas never woulda sold Star Wars to Disney for a billion after making three billion. It’s because of R2D2 that Obi Wan put his Yoda plan into motion.

If you don’t have a mentor to regurgitate, get “a VC you don’t know to mentor you.” It’s a genius GigaOm article.

Jedi’s study ahead and self study via a mentor

If Luke Skywalker would have waited to go to Jedi Academy, we would all be under the thumb of the dark overlord. You can get the knowledge of an MBA before you go get one. You can get the network of an MBA before you go get one.

Remember, an MBA trains you to be a CEO of a Fortune 100, not a worker bee. A JD trains you to be a judge, not a lawyer. A JBA trains you to kick ass in starting up a business and being an intrapraneur.

Edwin Land. Nolan Bushnell.

Google their relation to the JBA, Steve Jobs.

C3PO is an MBA

He just talks and talks.

And talks. Even while the JBA, R2D2, is hard at work cranking away code or helping the CTO, Chewbacca, debug the Millennium Falcon. Remember R2D2 helped Chewie make the jump to lightspeed. This all happened while C3PO is having a loud meeting with himself, and having a robot panic attack.

JBAs talk less and do more. Two or three R2D2’s can out-execute and out maneuver a Fortune 100 company. One R2D2 can out-flank a team of MBAs.

JBAs Dress

Jedi’s wear a smock.

It doesn’t matter if they’re a padawan or sitting on the Jedi council. They wear a burlap bag.

My super model mentor, Robert Black, said: “If they make you wear a burlap bag. Make it shine.”

Closing deals like a JBA

JBA’s can close deals with people that are not even at SXSW while they are at SXSW. Most people in the general population just barely trade business cards or iPhone bump. For example, I booked a super model gig and collaborative event for next years SXSW. For models. To get distribution via big brands.

Sure it’s a verbal commitment.

Sure, I’ll leave them lots of out-clauses and escape clauses. It’s what my mentor, Mark McCormack, taught me. He went to Yale Law. He wrote: WTDTYAHBS. He started IMG

MBA’s –> JBA


Congratulations on reading this far. Be like legendary MBAs before you and get a JBA.

Yes, I’m talking about Mike Dorsey, Evan Reas, Charlie Kubal, Dylan Keil, etc who learned to code, execute and lever up shareholder equity with few or no resources. JBA’s build.

JBAs Cross the Innovation Chasm from the Right

The general population is trying to get ‘Escape Velocity’ in Geoffrey Moore’s MBA flavored tome, “Crossing the Chasm.” JBAs like Bruce Li, use entrepreneur jiu jitsu. Air quotes not included.

Me?! I’m R2D2-ing while looking prettier than the tall, shiny and pretty C3PO in “What A Super Model Can Teach a Harvard MBA About Credit.”

JBA is a Jedi in Business Administration